Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A favorite joseki of mine.

So I recieved a question from a member of the Advanced Study Room on KGS regarding a joseki that occured in one of our games. It is one of my very favorite moves in the right circumstance. It is (drum roll....) : Hazama Tobi in response to a Nikken taka-hasami. In other words, the diagnol jump in response to a two space high pincer.

This joseki applies to both 3-4 and 4-4 pincers, but has some differences. Today I'll cover both examples.

For 3-4 please navigate starting with 'A'.
For 4-4 please navigate starting with 'B'.

This joseki applies to both 3-4 and 4-4 pincers, but has some differences. Today I'll cover both examples.

For 3-4 please navigate starting with 'A'.
For 4-4 please navigate starting with 'B'.
(note: sometime the letters A, B, C have been transcribed to 1,2,3 in the .sgf file)

;B[pl]LB[om:A]C[So here is the two space high pincer. There are plenty of options in how to play here. Here though, I'll be discussing the diagnol jump at A. In general, the purpose of this move is often to play lightly and try to keep black from getting too thick in center.];W[om]LB[ol:C][pm:E][pn:D][po:A][np:B]C[A settles the situation and has many variations
B is simple and defends the bottom.
C isn't advised, although natural.
D and E are vulgar. White wouldn't play like this if these were good ideas.]
(;B[qp]L[ro][ql]C[A is correct. B is too soon.]
(;W[ro]L[qm][ql]C[A is natural and standard.
B can be considered for developing the right side.]
(;B[qm]L[pn][ql]C[A, is the best move.
B, is too soon.]
(;W[pn]L[oo][qn]C[A is best.
B is greedy and doesn't take into account the full board.]
;W[ql]L[qk][rp]C[A and B are miai. Black may tenuki or continue, both are settled.]
;W[rm]L[rq][rj]C[This move is needed.
White is settled, and although he took gote. He will be able to continue at A or B later. It is joseki.])
;W[ok]C[Black's corner is not good enough for white's outside influence.]))
;W[pj]L[ro]C[Black's enclosure isn't useful and white can decent at A is bad aji for B.]))
(;B[np]C[Black can play simply.];W[pm];B[jq]
;W[ql]C[White has succeeded in preventing black from expanding in the center or with his enclosure. Black has developed the bottom and taken sente.])
(;B[ol]C[Pushing up might seem normal, but isn't great.];W[nm]L[nl][np]C[Black has to continue at A.
Black B is too greedy trying to develop both sides.]
;W[nq]L[qe]C[Black has developed well, but the corner is almost entirely captured. White can still reduce or invade later around A. This seems better for white.])
;W[lp]C[Getting attacked here is severe. White also threates to invade and attack the right. It is very good for W.]))
(;B[pn]C[Cutting through is what white invites. It doesn't work.];W[op]L[pp][oq]C[Neither A or B work.]
;B[np]TR[pl]C[The marked stone is useless, black takes gote.])
;W[on]TR[pn]C[The marked stone isn't useful. Black has bad shape.]))
;W[nq]LB[qe:C][nl:A][qp:B]C[Losing the corner is too big for B. White threatens A, even if black has some aji at B. Black's wall isn't useful because white can settle in the upper right easy in the future (around C).]))
(;B[pd]C[Sakata Eio (W) v. Takagawa Kaku (B)];W[cq];B[pp];W[dc];B[de]
;W[ce]C[White takes territorial appoach to black's high position.];B[dd]C[Avalance is natural for both strategies.];W[cd];B[ec];W[cf]
;B[pj]C[Black plays san-ren-sei for an influenced/moyo oriented game.];W[db]C[This move seems slow, but it is infact very thick. Black's stone might be a liability and allow to easily move into the center making his territorial strategy work. If, black is allowed to play here, it is sente and very large.];B[jd]LB[db:A][qc:B][qn:D][nq:C]C[The most natural way to defend and develop. The size of White A is apparent because it undermines the side (and the corner is still open at B.

Next approach C is best. D is playing into black's strategy]
(;W[nq]C[Most natural approach on the oustide of san-ren-sei];B[kp]LB[lo:B][no:C][qq:A]C[Emphasizes influence, if white into the corner (A) black becomes very thick.

B is the light move trying to keep the center small.

C makes white too low.]
(;W[lo]LB[pn:C][ko:B][mp:D][np:A]C[Black A is the natural move to settle the situation.
Black B isn't a good idea because it ruins the center.
Black C is calm and often easiest.
Black D is vulgar. White wouldn't play like this if it were a good move.]
(;B[np]LB[mp:B][op:A]C[A is best.
B is bad shape.]
;W[kq]C[White is happy to settle without making the center thick. White is still easy to invade the moyo and has good solid territory. With komi, I prefer white.])
;B[pq]TR[lo]C[The marked white stone is poorly placed.]))
;B[pn]C[Black needs to defend the corner to keep white from easily invading the side which would ruin the moyo potential];W[gp];B[kn];W[lm];B[jl]
;W[lk]LB[nc:E][qc:C][qf:D][ql:A][qq:B]C[Black getting attacked like this is terrible. White invades the center. And black's moyo is open at A-E. Black has a weak group. this is an easy game for W.])
;B[kq]C[Black's strongest resistance];W[pr]LB[qq:B][mr:A]C[A is best for helping the lone two and attacking.
B is too defensive and ruins black.]
;W[km]C[Black has created a target. White has taken the corner. If white lives easy in center then he is ahead, if black can attack profitably he can create a good game. This is the actual continuation from Sakata v. Takagawa])
;W[ll]L[qf][nc][qc][ql][fb]C[White is moving into the center while attacking.
Black is open at A-E. So white is satisfied.]))
(;B[mp]C[This cut doesn't work in black's favor.];W[oo]L[op][np][po]
;B[on]L[qn][qq]C[White settles in sente and can play around A or B later.])
;W[qp]C[Very bad for B.])
;W[mo]C[Black is still open in corner and the two stones do not help his position on the lower side.])))
;B[mp]C[Although white has sente. Black is incredibly thick. ])
;B[nm]C[White's position is considered too low. ]))
;B[nj]C[White is under attack while black builds a center])))

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