Naturally, there are numerous resources online for studying go. There is one site in particular that I think everyone should know-- The Go Teaching Ladder or GTL <--- link!
This is a community where anyone can request to have a game reviewed. Once a request is made it is assigned to a reviewer, then a few weeks later, the game is returned. That's it. Players who enjoy reviewing games are encouraged to sign up as reviewers, but there is no requirement to complete reviews to get reviews. Also, all reviews are archived, so it is easy to search and find reviews by players from beginner to pro. There is even a function to search for reviews with certain opening configurations (which I find useful). You can sign up for a weekly/monthly newsletter that attaches files for newest reviews only between certain strength points (e.g. - I get e-mailed all reviews greater than 1 dan).
I have recently tried to become more active in this site, and I try to do very thorough reviews. Here is one recent review I completed. Note: Click on letters/numbers to change which variation branch you are on).
PW[Georg]WR[10k]DT[2011-12-04]C[Hello. My name is Shane. I'm KGS 1d and I'll be review this game.
The biggest problem in the opening was the way the one space pincer was used and handled by both sides.
In the middle game, players lost sight of the large territorial moves . This was a fairly peaceful positional game with no large weak groups becoming in danger. In these games one must always be aware of sente/gote issues and the size of moves.]RE[W+15.50]VW[]
;B[pc]LB[qd:A]C[Hello. I'm George10k , and here I play white. I don't know the rank of my opponent.
Thanks in advance for the review.
S: So I'm guessing that this game is a live game ? Because you don't have your opponent's rank or name and likewise your name is just George, but maybe I'm wrong... Anyway, this is a very small point (but worth knowing), but normally black's first move if playing a 3-4 point should be at A. This is an old convention because it makes the opponent not have to cross his hand over the first move to make an appoach. Obviously this nuance doesn't matter in online games, but perhaps this is worth knowing.]
(;W[hq]LB[cn:A]TR[qp]C[S: This pincer seems a little speculative becuase the presence of black in the lower right. Defending at A for white seems simple and best. This isn't an outright mistake, but if you look at the variations you might see why it is more normal to extend on the left.]
;W[dn]LB[ip:A][cq:D][kq:B][dr:A]TR[hq]C[Black now can get a pretty good result by pressing at A, or may even try the very agressive B which makes use of the R4 stone.]
(;B[dr]C[This move helps white - see variation on corner invasion.]
;W[cq]LB[dr:9]C[Exchanging black 9 for white 10 is almost always a mistake. It helps white close the corner and black still lacks a base with those stones.]
(;W[iq]LB[hp:A][cq:10][dr:9]TR[pq]C[For White 12, pushing up at A first is correct and also will indirectly punish black's exchange of B9 W10.
Playing as in the game at 12 is only correct when black's lower right corner is at Q3 instead of R4. (Please navigate further for explanation.]
;W[jq]LB[hp:B][kp:A]C[Black should continue at A instead of acutal game at B.]
(;B[hp]LB[kp:B][lq:A]C[This move is no good by B.]
(;W[lq]LB[kp:A]C[George: During the game I also thought about keima at M4 here, and now it seems like a better idea than what I actually played.
Keima at M4 would be too loose, it leaves very bad aji (potential). Your move at M3 is safe and solid, but stronger way is to play nidan bane (two step hane) at A]
;W[kp]LB[fc:B][pi:C][no:A]TR[nq]SQ[hp][ip][jp]C[Getting this is very big for W. Now the lower side pincer (which could have been a mistake) was huge sucess for white. White developed two groups and black has a potential weak group. Furthermore, this hane by white negates any possible influence or wall that black might have wanted to make with the marked group.
In summary, so far white got two small territories, black only got a semi weak group and the triangled extension from the play so far. White is ahead.]
(;B[no]LB[pe:A][pf:C][qf:B]C[George: I think playing tenuki here was a mistake. I am not even sure if the bottom white group is alive here, but my opponent never punished me for that.
S: Your group is very very comfortable. Only groups that are enclosed or very easily enclosed should be worried about life and death issues. You can move out to the center if he plays G2, also the hane at G4 is large for W. Even emergency attachments aroud O2 are possible. The lower white group is actually much stronger than the black group at G4 which has no clear eyeshape.
Here black 19 has no effect on white and although it protects the invasion at Q3, this is a small concern so early in the game, there are many big points to play. Therefore black 19 is slow and gote. See variaitons for other possible ways for B.]
(;W[pe]LB[qg:A][ph:A][gr:B]TR[kn]C[George: Suppose black plays hane at G2, can white live locally?
S: I wouldn't worry about it , but see variation for the answer to your question.
Given that black is now strong on the lower right, i'd look for a lighter approach to the upper right. Although one cannot say this move is 100% incorrect, I'd prefer R14 or Q14 for the white approach.]
(;B[qg]LB[of:A][pg:B][ph:A]C[I think this near pincer misses the mark. Black can try to build nearer to his strong lower right.
A high pincer at A seems feels better to me.]
(;W[of]C[This move is normal, but I feel that white needs to get creative here because the normal joseki doesn't feel like white is accomplishing much]
;W[om]C[So here black developed both sides and white created a wall, yet that wall doesn't seem to be working with the other white stones, so black is better off. Furthermore, this is gote, so black ended sente.]
;W[ch]LB[cc:A][ef:B][dh:C]C[This pincer seems natural, but others might be playable too (see variation). I like this pincer because black cannot move into the corner at A as usual. Also, jumping to B is sub-par because whtie will get territory and black's wall will be useless because it will only face white's wall.
I think black's best option is to use the more seldom move at C.]
;B[bd]C[Again this slide is very bad suji for B.]
;W[ic]C[White now has a comfortable winning position.
This is due to black's misplay of white's pincer twice]
;B[em]LB[bc:B][qc:A][mn:A][cr:C]TR[op][pq][qq]C[White has more points currently and the center is difficult for either player to score because have equal influence. The game is now about consolidaing territories and playing biggest points. There are no significant weak groups on either side. I've marked some of the larger points.
There is even still some reduction potential in the lower right for white. Please see that all the largest areas are still along the sides and corners, but both players soon become preoccupied with a center that amounts to less than 5 or so points for either player. Where as all the marked points have a value of over 10.]
;B[pn]LB[qc:A]C[Black 49 is very big.
A is largest point left on the board.]
;W[gf]LB[qe:B][jj:A]C[White 50 seems to expand out, yet it scores no new points for white, erases none of black points and doesn't attack any weak groups, so in fact it isn't that useful.
In the actual game, black played A, which seems to score points... yet black still needs too many moves for not enough points.
One way of looking at it is that black needs about 3-4 moves in a row to score about 20-25 points in the center, but a single move at B is worth nearly 20 points.]
(;B[jj]LB[qc:A][jl:A][nr:B]C[George: what should white do now?
A is still large
B is now good to play since black solidified that area and it is sente
Please follow the variation to see how small the center is.]
(;W[jl]LB[bc:D][qc:B][pn:49][cr:C][nr:A]C[White 52 is worried about black territory but doesn't think any about white territory. Again, these plays in the center are almost all dame points.
Here ends most of my comments because the rest is who gets the important points in along the sides and corners. The game is still in white's favor but only by a little becuase black got the move at 49. White got more large points and won the game. Most of the center ended with just a few points for either side.
Good luck to you both, and thanks for letting me review!]
(;W[gj]LB[fk:A][dm:A]C[White should protect at A]
;B[gm]TR[bc][qc][cr][nr]C[My advice is to look up from the local situation more. This is fighting over very small points. The marked areas are HUGE]
;W[mg]LB[hi:A][pl:B]C[This move seems dangerous for W.]
;W[hj]C[Now the game favors white. Review ends here.
;W[lb]C[George: At this point I had 10 minutes left on the clock, and black had 4, and the game started to become rushed.]
;W[er]C[George: probably a mistake. Sure, I got some points, but I strengthened black, which allowed him to take points from me.]
;W[ok]C[George: a blunder.]
;B[la]C[George: obviously, I should have played K18. This ko was a completely unnecessary risk. But I wasn't aware that I was leading.]
;B[lo]SQ[kn][mn][kp]C[Now white has some connection problems]))
;W[bq]C[Black getting all this in sente is too good.]
;B[qe]C[Now the outcome favors black.]))
;W[qd]LB[gh:A][jm:B]C[A and B are miai (interchangable points). Its too hard for the center to become territory in this game.]
;W[jm]TR[ii]C[There is no easy way to make territory even if black can play in the center.]))
;W[rb]LB[pb:B][rc:C][qd:A]C[White can now play here for territory.
This is very large as it also forces black to settle on the top.]
;W[op]C[There is almost nothing black can do locally that prevents a reduction. This game is all but won for white here.])
(;B[rc]C[Black cannot take advantage of white's cutting point.]
;B[dg]LB[fd:A][cj:B]C[A is most normal.
B although natural neglects the lone corner.]
;B[bh]C[Black is satisfied because he is settled and the left side territory is open as is the corner at 3-3. White, too can be happy with sente some top side potential and the thickness built around D10.])
;W[bd]C[White aims to connect under.]
;B[bd]LB[cc:B][ic:A]C[Extending to A is better than B.]
;B[hc]C[White now is attacked.]
;W[hf]C[White can survive easily, but black get benefit.])
(;B[gr]TR[lm][kn][ln][gp][nr]C[With all these options it is impossible to easily kill white.])
(;B[ph]LB[md:A][ne:B]C[Black's pincer here feels better.
White could settle at A or create a running battle with B. I think black would welcome either.]
(;W[pf]C[I like this approach best. White can play flexable on this side.]
;B[qf]C[If black pushes. White settles on the right.]
;W[qm]TR[oc][ph]C[Later white has follow-ups at either of the marked points.]
;W[lo]LB[kn:A][lp:B]C[White doesn't have to fear any cut here.]
;W[ho]TR[lo]SQ[fo][go][fq][dr]C[Black would have a weak group and bad aji at M5])
;W[kn]C[Also a sucess for white.]))))
(;AE[qp]AB[pq]LB[hp:A][iq:12]TR[pq]C[Here if black was at this point, pushing at 12 would now be correct instead of A. (please contiue for full explanation)]
;W[pp]LB[hp:A]C[This cut is only possible because white didn't push up (keep going !)]
;B[pr]LB[ho:B][hp:A][kq:C]C[If white were enclosed by exchanging A for B, then now he would need C to live, but because he isn't completely enclosed he may tenuki]
;B[kq]C[This push seems dangerous, but white can breakout.]
;W[fr]C[So now white can still live. Sorry for the long winded explanation of when to push up and when to push horizontally.])
;W[qf]LB[qd:B][qh:A]C[This move is proper approach given black's large wall.
Black's most common answer would be A. Closing corner at B here would be a mistake]
;W[pj]C[Black's wall is meaningless. White is very comfortable])
;W[fm]C[Black's moyo may seem vast, but personally it seems like it will be hard to consolidate. In contrast, white has three corners and potentialy for all four, also the left side is a very developable area for white.]))
;B[op]LB[go:A][cq:10][dr:9]TR[ho][hp]C[Here it is clear that Black 9 scored no point for B and helps white. Also, now white's play at A is larger territorially than normal (see complete line for explanation).]
;W[fp]C[Normally, this would be small because black could still invade the corner at 3-3, but he made a poor forcing move so now the whole lower side would become white territory which is big.]))
(;B[kq]LB[hq:6]C[Although this creates early hostilities that can complicate the game, one can see that this fight favors black and that white 6 was perhaps a mistake.])
;B[ph]C[Although black hasn't made territory yet, his wall is more useful that white's small lower side territory.])
(;B[cq]C[Much later, black may take the corner profit when the outside battle has settled or become unimportant. This variation is just to show how the invasion works.]
;B[dr]LB[cp:B][er:A]C[A is usual, B is not as good (but possible depending on whole board).]
;W[do]C[Black can live in sente. Although this invasion must be well timed.])
;B[cr]C[Letting black connect under like this is sometimes possible, but generally slack because black takes territory and is not enclosed. But whole board cicumstances sometimes make this also playable for W.])))
(;W[cn]LB[kq:A][dr:B]C[From here black can set up mini chinese or slide at D2.]
(;B[dr]LB[op:D][cq:C][gq:A][hq:B]C[A for territory or
B for influence.
C is normal but doesn't take the whole board into account (white's stones are all on one side.
D is also good and possible but can lead to early complications.]
;B[ph]C[Still one possible game, but i prefer black because the exchange in the lower left helps black develop better globally.])
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